Become a sustainable destination

Optimise the sustainability management of an entire territory. Involve businesses, tourists and citizens.

Become a sustainable destination
Become a sustainable destination

Are you a destination manager? We can offer you what you are looking for...

Carry out a comprehensive sustainability management of the whole territory, including the alignment of companies with the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs.

Consultancy, diagnosis and dynamic management of an action plan

Manages the sustainability of the territory by connecting it with the contribution of tourism to each SDG through indicators. Integrally and holistically manages an action plan based on sustainability criteria aligned with the 2030 Agenda.

Consultancy, diagnosis and dynamic management of an action plan
Comnunicate your official connection to the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs

Comnunicate your official connection to the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs

Promote and publicise your destination's sustainable efforts in real time, through a widget and QR code. Improve positioning with the Biosphere Certified Destination badge so that responsible tourists find it first.

Co-management between different areas and departments

Organise your territorial sustainability plan by areas and departments and invite as many users as you deem appropriate to co-manage, assign and evidence together the sustainable activities they carry out in their different fields of action.

Co-management between different areas and departments
Connect with your business network

Connect with your business network

Monitor in real time the sustainability status of the companies in your territory. All the information at your fingertips, useful to maximise the promotion and dissemination of your destination as a territory whose stakeholders are involved in continuous improvement and sustainable development.

Biosphere offers you this and much more...

Management software
Management software
100% Online platform, easy and suitable for multi-management. Create a dynamic plan, facilitate decision making and prioritise your sustainable efforts. Connect all your information and that of your entire business network with the 2030 Agenda from a single platform.
Improve your KPIs
Improve your KPIs
Methodology that translates the 17 SDGs into tourism with specific, explicit and objectively verifiable actions, activities and indicators to measure progress in achieving the 169 UN targets.
Demonstrate your commitment to the United Nations 2030 Agenda in real time. Obtain innovative communication materials with which to disseminate the sustainability of your territory and your companies: certificate, diploma, QR code... Showcase your achievements!
With a team of professionals to accompany and advise you in a continuous improvement towards "Horizon 2030", with more than 25 years of experience in the sector.
Sustainable community
Sustainable community
Be part of the largest international community of sustainable destinations. Share best practices, position yourself and enjoy the benefits of membership.
Marketing tool
Marketing tool
87% of travellers are looking for sustainable experiences. Promote your sustainability in new channels and access a market that is growing every day.
Why Biosphere?

Why Biosphere?

The integrated sustainability management, recognition and certification system considered the best in the world 2021.

The Responsable Tourism Institute(RTI)

Born with a MoU with UNESCO and founding member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), it maintains a collaboration agreement with SDSN-Spain to develop the connection between Agenda2030 and tourism through Biosphere, accompanying and advising destinations and companies in a continuous improvement towards the "Horizon 2030" according to the sustainability objectives established by the United Nations and their valuation and choice by citizens and tourists.

International Recognition

The work of the RTI has been awarded numerous times since its creation, such as the European Environmental Awards (2000), the International Environmental Award (2006) issued by TUI AG. BIOSPHERE has been recognised in 2021 as the best sustainability certification tool in the world according to the report Recommendations on tools and certifications for in-depth research prepared by the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, in collaboration with Tourisme Durable Quebec, among others.

Biosphere Destination Community

Become a member of the world's largest international community of destinations working towards sustainability. Biosphere destinations advance on the path of continuous improvement, achieving a more sustainable tourism.

Biosphere Destination Community

Let us accompany and advise you on this path towards sustainability.

If you want to certify the continuous improvement of your destination and recognise its sustainable efforts, Biosphere Destination is what you are looking for.


Try it without commitment
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    Verify your authority as a competent destination manager.

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    Try the Biosphere Sustainable platform.

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    Create and work on your territorial sustainability plan for free.

Full process

Destination Certification

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    Member of the Biosphere Destination Community.

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    Access a personalised consultancy service.

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    Monitor in real time and evaluate the levels of your KPIs.

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    Access an external third party audit process.

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    Receive your Certified Destination badge.

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    Give an unlimited number of companies in your territory access to Biosphere Sustainable.

Business network certification

Promotes business sustainability in the territory
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    Give an unlimited number of companies in your territory access to Biosphere Sustainable.

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    Encourages continuous improvement and sustainable development of the business fabric.

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    Maximise the promotion and dissemination of your destination as a territory aligned with sustainability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Biosphere Destination certification is a methodology of continuous accompaniment. Our objective is to collaborate with the destination to find out what tourism sustainability is, what impact it has, how to measure it, where to focus efforts, how to communicate it, among other actions.

This analysis is carried out on the basis of a battery of indicators selected from among the 232 established by the United Nations 2030 Agenda to verify compliance with its objectives and goals. Thus, what we actually certify is the process of continuous improvement, recognising with our badge the work carried out by the destination in achieving compliance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets of the 2030 Agenda and the continuation of its efforts on an ongoing basis based on an action plan.

Once the DMO decides to become part of this community, a Letter of Commitment is signed between the highest authority of the destination and the RTI, informing all stakeholders of the destination of this first step towards sustainability. Technically, a detailed but concise diagnosis and analysis of the starting point of the territory and the actions for improvement are elaborated. Once the actions have been implemented in the Destination, its performance will be evaluated through an external audit process, which will determine the granting of certification based on the contribution of tourism and its sustainable efforts. Throughout the whole process, the team of professionals of the RTI accompanies and supports the DMO in all stages of the project.

The price of this certification, both for the first year and annual renewals, depends on the number of inhabitants of the destination, as well as the services that the destination wishes to contract (training workshops, process of adherence of companies to the commitment of the destination, additional communication actions...). In addition, the destination can choose whether it wants to subsidise access for its business network to the Biosphere Sustainable sustainability management platform, in order to have a more global control of the state of sustainability of the territory.

*A discount applies to destinations in countries with a lower Human Development Index.

The destination certification process must be requested by the institution in charge of destination management (DMO). Any institution competent to apply for and implement the certification process in the territory, be it a province, a municipality, a city, a town, a village, a network of villages, a group of municipalities, among others, may apply to implement this certification in its tourist destination.
